Note: Unless prefaced by "0x", all numbers
specified in the Description column of the following tables are
Byte | Contents |
0 | 1 byte | Valid dBASE for Windows table file, bits 0-2 indicate version
number: 3 for dBASE Level 5, 4 for dBASE Level 7.
Bit 3 and bit 7 indicate presence of a dBASE IV or dBASE for Windows memo file; bits 4-6 indicate the presence of a dBASE IV SQL table; bit 7 indicates the presence of any .DBT memo file (either a dBASE III PLUS type or a dBASE IV or dBASE for Windows memo file). |
1-3 | 3 bytes | Date of last update; in YYMMDD format. Each byte contains the number as a binary. YY is added to a base of 1900 decimal to determine the actual year. Therefore, YY has possible values from 0x00-0xFF, which allows for a range from 1900-2155. |
4-7 | 32-bit number | Number of records in the table. (Least significant byte first.) |
8-9 | 16-bit number | Number of bytes in the header. (Least significant byte first.) |
10-11 | 16-bit number | Number of bytes in the record. (Least significant byte first.) |
12-13 | 2 bytes | Reserved; filled with zeros. |
14 | 1 byte | Flag indicating incomplete dBASE IV transaction. |
15 | 1 byte | dBASE IV encryption flag. |
16-27 | 12 bytes | Reserved for multi-user processing. |
28 | 1 byte | Production MDX flag; 0x01 if a production .MDX file exists for this table; 0x00 if no .MDX file exists. |
29 | 1 byte | Language driver ID. |
30-31 | 2 bytes | Reserved; filled with zeros. |
32-63 | 32 bytes | Language driver name. |
64-67 | 4 bytes | Reserved. |
68-n | 48 bytes each | Field Descriptor Array (see 1.2). |
n+1 | 1 byte | 0x0D stored as the Field Descriptor terminator. |
n+2 | See below for calculations of size |
Field Properties Structure |
n above is the last byte in the field descriptor array. The size of the array depends on the number of fields in the table file.
Byte | Contents |
0-31 | 32 bytes | Field name in ASCII (zero-filled). |
32 | 1 byte | Field type in ASCII (B, C, D, N, L, M, @, I, +, F, 0 or G). |
33 | 1 byte | Field length in binary. |
34 | 1 byte | Field decimal count in binary. |
35-36 | 2 bytes | Reserved. |
37 | 1 byte | Production .MDX field flag; 0x01 if field has an index tag in the production .MDX file; 0x00 if the field is not indexed. |
38-39 | 2 bytes | Reserved. |
40-43 | 4 bytes | Next Autoincrement value, if the Field type is Autoincrement, 0x00 otherwise. |
44-47 | 4 bytes | Reserved. |
Byte | Contents |
0-1 | 16-bit number | Number of Standard Properties. |
2-3 | 16-bit number | Start of Standard Property Descriptor Array. (see 1.3.1 ) |
4-5 | 16-bit number | Number of Custom Properties. |
6-7 | 16-bit number | Start of Custom Property Descriptor Array. (see 1.3.2 ) |
8-9 | 16-bit number | Number of Referential Integrity (RI) properties. |
10-11 | 16-bit number | Start of RI Property Descriptor Array. (see 1.3.3 ) |
12-13 | 16-bit number | Start of data - this points past the Descriptor arrays to data used by the arrays - for example Custom property names are stored here. |
14-15 | 16-bit number | Actual size of structure, including data (Note: in the .DBF this will be padded with zeroes to the nearest 0x200, and may have 0x1A at the end). If the structure contains RI data, it will not be padded. |
16-n | 15 bytes each | Standard Property Descriptor Array (n = (15*number of standard properties) + 16). (see 1.3.1) |
(n+1)-m | 14 bytes each | Custom Property Descriptor Array (m = n+ 14*number of custom properties). (see 1.3.2) |
(m+1)-o | 22 bytes each | RI Property Descriptor Array (o = m+ 22*number of RI properties). (see 1.3.3) |
Byte | Contents |
0-1 | 16-bit number | Generational number. More than one value may exist for a property. The current value is the value with the highest generational number. |
2-3 | 16-bit number | Table field offset - base one. 01 for the first field in the table, 02 for the second field, etc. Note: this will be 0 in the case of a constraint. |
4 | 8-bit number | Which
property is described in this record: 01 Required 02 Min 03 Max 04 Default 06 Database constraint |
5 | 1 byte | Field
Type: 00 No type - constraint 01 Char 02 Numeric 03 Memo 04 Logical 05 Date 06 Float 08 OLE 09 Binary 11 Long 12 Timestamp 13 Double 14 AutoIncrement (not settable from the Inspector) |
6 | 1 byte | 0x00 if the array element is a constraint, 0x02 otherwise. |
7-10 | 4 bytes | Reserved |
11-12 | 16-bit number | Offset from the start of this structure to the data for the property. The Required property has no data associated with it, so it is always 0. |
13-14 | 16-bit number | Width of database field associated with the property, and hence size of the data (includes 0 terminator in the case of a constraint). |
Byte | Contents | Description |
0-1 | 16-bit number | Generational number. More than one value may exist for a property. The current value is the value with the highest generational number. |
2-3 | 16-bit number | Table field offset - base one. 01 for the first field in the table, 02 for the second field, etc. |
4 | 1 byte | Field
Type 01 Char 02 Numeric 03 Memo 04 Logical 05 Date 06 Float 08 OLE 09 Binary 11 Long 12 Timestamp 13 Double 14 AutoIncrement (not settable from the Inspector) |
5 | 1 byte | Reserved |
6-7 | 16-bit number | Offset from the start of this structure to the Custom property name. |
8-9 | 16-bit number | Length of the Custom property name. |
10-11 | 16-bit number | Offset from the start of this structure to the Custom property data. |
12-13 | 16-bit number | Length of the Custom property data (does not include null terminator). |
Byte | Contents | Description |
0 | 8-bit number | 0x07 if Master (parent), 0x08 if Dependent (child). |
1-2 | 16-bit number | Sequential number, 1 based counting. If this number is 0, this RI rule has been dropped. |
3-4 | 16-bit number | Offset of the RI rule name - 0 terminated. |
5-6 | 16-bit number | Size of previous value. |
7-8 | 16-bit number | Offset of the name of the Foreign Table - 0 terminated. |
9-10 | 16-bit number | Size of previous value. |
11 | 1 byte | Update
& delete behaviour: Update Cascade 0x10 Delete Cascade 0x01 |
12-13 | 16-bit number | Number of fields in the linking key. |
14-15 | 16-bit number | Offset of the Local Table tag name - 0 terminated. |
16-17 | 16-bit number | Size of previous value. |
18-19 | 16-bit number | Offset of the Foreign Table tag name - 0 terminated. |
20-21 | 16-bit number | Size of previous value. |
(Foreign = in the other table, Local = in this table)
Symbol | Data Type | Description |
B | Binary, a string | 10 digits representing a .DBT block number. The number is stored as a string, right justified and padded with blanks. |
C | Character | All OEM code page characters - padded with blanks to the width of the field. |
D | Date | 8 bytes - date stored as a string in the format YYYYMMDD. |
N | Numeric | Number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field. |
L | Logical | 1 byte - initialized to 0x20 (space) otherwise T or F. |
M | Memo, a string | 10 digits (bytes) representing a .DBT block number. The number is stored as a string, right justified and padded with blanks. |
@ | Timestamp | 8 bytes - two longs, first for date, second for time. The date is the number of days since 01/01/4713 BC. Time is hours * 3600000L + minutes * 60000L + Seconds * 1000L |
I | Long | 4 bytes. Leftmost bit used to indicate sign, 0 negative. |
+ | Autoincrement | Same as a Long |
F | Float | Number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field. |
O | Double | 8 bytes - no conversions, stored as a double. |
G | OLE | 10 digits (bytes) representing a .DBT block number. The number is stored as a string, right justified and padded with blanks. |
Each binary, memo, or OLE field of each record in the .DBF file contains the number of the block (in OEM code page values) where the field's data actually begins. If a field contains no data, the .DBF file contains blanks (0x20) rather than a number.
When data is changed in a field, the block numbers may also change and the number in the .DBF may be changed to reflect the new location.